What is PF? What is PFC? Why choices high PF?

PF is the abbreviation of Power Factor, which refers to the power factor, which is the ratio of active power to apparent power; PFC is an abbreviation for Power Factor Corrector, which refers to power factor correction; High power factor can: (1) Reduce current harmonics; (2) increase the capacity of the power system; (3) Reduce line loss and save electric energy. Low power factor represents low power efficiency, the lower the power factor value represents the higher proportion of electricity consumed in the distribution network, if the low power factor is not corrected, the power company in addition to the active power, but also to provide greater reactive power, which leads to the need for larger generators, transformers, transmission lines, etc., to compensate for losses. Power supplies with PFC function can improve their own energy utilization, reduce losses, and reduce harmonic pollution to the grid.

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